

You've got them into college and now they want to study abroad. 你是做什么的??


It is thrilling that your student is thinking about studying abroad—an exciting, 一生只有一次旅行!  The Center for International Programs is committed to supporting students through the process.  Students are encouraged to plan early can meet with a variety of different people to begin discussing their study abroad plans; our 出国留学 Peer Mentors can give recent testimonials about their experience abroad while any of our staff can advise the students in determining which program best suits their academic needs. 我们的办公室关注学年, semester or summer long programs that provide students with quality academic programs to enhance their degree.

Saint Mary's students are eligible to study abroad with a SMC-SPONSORED, EXCHANGE or NON-SMC PROGRAM. 前两个项目由国际项目中心办公室批准,而非smc项目允许学生自由参加提供体验的项目, destination or field of study that our programs do not offer. All program types are available during the semester and for a full year, 有些课程在夏季提供. 这是可能的, 并鼓励, to study abroad more than once during a student's SMC career and students may choose any program that interests them. Below you will find more information about the differences between program types. 

These programs have been vetted by Saint Mary's College of California.

  • 课程一对一转回:所有课程都经过十大正规网赌平台教师的审查和预先批准,并作为SMC等效课程转回
  • Students can take classes that count towards their major and minor requirements to ensure that they graduate on time
  • There are no additional program costs: tuition and housing costs are the same on campus as they are abroad
  • 经济援助和SMC奖学金与您一起旅行:在SMC项目学习的学生可以申请所有联邦和州经济援助以及任何机构奖学金

These programs have been vetted by Saint Mary's College of California.

  • 课程一对一转回:所有课程都经过十大正规网赌平台教师的审查和预先批准,并作为SMC等效课程转回
  • Students can take classes that count towards their major and minor requirements to ensure that they graduate on time
  • There are no additional program cost: tuition costs are the same on campus as abroad but students pays housing fees on site
  • 经济援助和SMC奖学金与您一起旅行:在SMC项目学习的学生可以申请所有联邦和州经济援助以及任何机构奖学金

在某些情况下, students wish to study abroad on a program that is not offered through the SMC-sponsored or 交流项目. Please take into consideration the following notes:

  • 学生需要通过国际项目中心和他们的非smc项目申请并被接受出国留学
  • Students take a Leave of Absence from Saint Mary's for the study abroad term (Fall/Spring/Year programs)
  • All federal and state financial aid travels with students but SMC scholarships do not--the SMC scholarships are, 当然, available to students again as soon as they return to Saint Mary's
  • Courses may not transfer back exactly as one-to-one equivalents
  • Students pay a $200 non-SMC processing fee to the Business Office as part of their SMC study abroad application



The Center for International Programs (CIP) is a comprehensive department that works with students, 教师, 负责圣玛丽社区的管理工作,为国际学生和十大网赌平台提供服务,并为圣玛丽的学生和教师提供海外学习和交流项目. 

我们期待在整个留学过程中与您的学生一起工作,您的学生将是我们在整个过程中的主要联系人. 我们办公室很乐意与家长合作, 但最终是你的学生有责任让你了解你可能需要的任何信息,以帮助你的学生在国外学习. 请与您的学生一起检查您的学生可能从我们的办公室或您的学生的留学计划收到的任何信息.

Please keep in mind that due to the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the CIP can share very limited information with parents including, 但不限于, 学生出国留学申请情况, 费用支付, 成绩单, 学生记录. 请放心,我们将尽最大努力确保您的学生为出国留学做好充分的准备.


We encourage you to travel to your student’s host country before or after they have completed their program, or during official university breaks which will be provided to the students during their on site orientation. We ask that you try to avoid visiting at times when students need to be in class. 父母 are not allowed to participate in any student-related activities.

In order to ensure that medical support is available abroad, 在申请过程中,你的学生在健康史表格中披露任何健康问题是非常重要的. 这包括, 但不限于:医疗条件, 心理问题, 学习障碍, 还有饮食失调. 披露这些信息不会影响您孩子的海外学习,只会帮助工作人员更好地向您的学生提供他们的选择.

Prescriptions written in the United States cannot be filled abroad, 因此,我们建议学生携带足够的处方药,以维持整个海外逗留,并提前与他们的医生和保险提供商讨论. Ask doctors for any prescriptions (eyeglasses, allergy medicines, etc.).

Prescription medications should be carried in their original, 药瓶上标有药品的通用名称. Students should have the prescription on hand in case a customs officer requests it. 有些处方在其他国家是不合法的,尽管你有在美国开的处方证明. Check that you may bring the prescription drug(s) into the country at www.rxlist.com or at the host country’s consulate or embassy web page. 不通过邮件发送处方. Doing so may result in medications being withheld in Customs and legal repercussions.

We also recommend that students take an extra pair of eyeglasses or contact lenses. Students with medical problems which are not easily recognized (e.g., 糖尿病, 对抗生素或蜜蜂叮咬的过敏反应, 心脏病, 癫痫)可以考虑从医生或药房获得医疗警报识别标签,因为这些是国际公认的.

加州十大正规网赌平台和国际项目中心(CIP)办公室制定了紧急协议,所有在smc资助的海外留学地点的学生都受这些协议的规定保护. The home campus CIP office works cooperatively with our onsite host university staff to help ensure the safety and security of students overseas; however, 我们影响应急反应的能力取决于通过在国外的具体方案提供的支持水平. In order to prepare students for their overseas program, 加州十大正规网赌平台在我们的强制性出发前培训课程中包括健康和安全信息.

所有学生必须在指定的到达日期之前到达他们的项目地点,以便参加广泛的现场指导, 每个程序都是独一无二的. If you have any questions concerning Saint Mary’s College's emergency response plans, 请直接与CIP办公室联系.

如果你的学生生病或遇到严重的紧急情况,当地有专门的工作人员可以提供帮助,这一点可以让你感到安慰. CIP的工作人员随时为您的学生服务,并有多年处理海外学生问题的经验. 如果你的学生有问题联系你, 请鼓励他或她告知当地接待机构的工作人员,因为他们最有能力处理任何情况.

Again, according to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), CIP的校内工作人员和国外的接待机构工作人员不允许与家长讨论与个别学生有关的问题, 家庭, 或其他第三方. 学生必须直接进行所有接触.

All SMC-sponsored项目 will be charged the same SMC tuition as if they are taking classes on campus. 所有其他费用(i.e. housing, transportation) can differ from program to program and country to country. 每个项目的具体成本和详细信息可以在项目手册中找到,该手册可以通过我们网页上的“探索您的选择”部分访问.

In most cases, financial aid will be available for study abroad participants. SMC financial aid (including merit aid) will follow your student abroad if they choose to attend an SMC-sponsored program. We offer one in house scholarship for Pell Grant recipients and offer scholarship workshops for our students. 然而, 我们鼓励学生尽早研究和申请,因为许多奖学金的截止日期至少在你的学生计划出国前一个学期. Please see the Scholarship information page for more information.

You should discuss communication with your student as early on in their study abroad application process as possible. While this discussion will most likely manifest differently for each 家庭, 重要的是,你要表达你对支持学生和给他们成长为独立成年人的空间的兴趣. 我们建议每个月安排2-3个电话,这样你就可以赶上并分享故事,而不会让你的学生错过在国外时提供给他们的机会.