

Yoga and Writing Retreat on the Cohasset脊




Leave your busy life behind and revitalize during this special 4-day yoga and 写作 retreat in the mountains of northern 加州. Unplug, relax, and find inspiration in the quiet atmosphere.

3点在科哈塞特山脊,000 ft elevation in the evergreen mountains above Chico, 加州, 只是一个3.5-hour drive from the San Francisco Bay Area, this four-day/three-night camping retreat is a convenient way to relax in the slower pace of nature; rejuvenate with yoga, 写作, and nourishing meals; and recharge your creative expression and well-being.

这是一个乡村露营地, with limited cell service and no internet access - a perfect place to unplug. There is a sauna on the property and a cold tank, 还有一个泉水池, 用屏风围起来的门廊, 火坑, 还有步道. Miles away from artificial light, the star-gazing is amazing. 所有的饭菜都是素食, prepared by a local chef with organic and locally sourced ingredients; and vegan or other special dietary needs can be accommodated. 

The cost of this weekend retreat includes all meals; sauna and pool access; yoga, 呼吸法, and 写作 workshops; and use of the property. Participants are expected to bring their own tent, 睡袋, and other equipment to comfortably sleep outside. 有一个获奖的(!) outhouse on the property, as well as access to a half-bath and a full bath in the farmhouse. Participants are also expected to bring their own yoga mat and any props they use in their practice (blocks, 肩带), as well as a notebook for 写作 exercises or a tablet or other device that can be used offline.

The retreat is designed to give you time and space to enjoy nature, practice and learn yoga and 呼吸法, and cultivate connection to your creative self with 写作 exercises and reflections. You will leave feeling relaxed, restored, and inspired.



每人650美元. 开始注册

2024年3月4日: $250 non-refundable deposit for all trips due. In the event that the trip does not meet its minimum number of travelers, deposits will be refunded.




Join us for an online information session.

  • 星期五. 2月9日中午12点
  • 结婚. 2月. 21, 6:00 pm

变焦链接 加入任一信息会话.


Naturalistic yoga studio with natural light


Unplug, relax, and find inspiration in the quiet atmosphere.

Relax in the slower pace of nature; rejuvenate with yoga, 写作, and nourishing meals; and recharge your creative expression and well-being.


Arrive on Thursday, July 25 between 2-3pm

The sauna will be lit in the early morning, and after a light breakfast we will begin the day with an Asana yoga class in the open air studio in the loft of the barn. Then we’ll move into a 写作 exercise, followed by a few hours of open time during which lunch will be served and massages will be available on some days for those who would like to add that experience. Later in the afternoon, we will have a Prānāyāma breath workshop followed by another 写作 prompt. Evenings will include dinner and more open time to explore the property, continue your own 写作 or yoga practice, 放松一下.


7:00-8:30 Sauna ready and light breakfast
12:00-3:00 Lunch and down time - optional massages
3:00-4:00 Prānāyāma呼吸工作坊



Practicing yoga since 1990, Dana has studied Bikram, Ashtanga, Iyengar and Hatha Yoga. Bringing her extensive investigation of the body through her dance training, multiple anatomy courses and various somatic studies, Dana is excited to share her knowledge with students studying asana. 

Dana has been a guest teacher at yoga retreats Pura Vida (Costa Rica), 苏马亚别墅(危地马拉), 圣母山中心(CA), and is the official yoga instructor for the American College Dance Association. She currently teaches drop in Alignment Flow classes at Left Coast Power Yoga in Oakland. 

A tenured Professor of Dance at Saint Mary's College, Dana also teaches dance at Shawl-Anderson Dance Center in Berkeley, is co-director of the Enchanted Ridge Dance Retreat in Cohasset (CA) and the Artistic Director of 达纳·劳顿 Dances, a multi-generational modern dance company in Berkeley (CA).

发邮件给Dana: dlawton@richon-led.com


Meet your Professor: 詹妮弗Kulbeck

詹妮弗Kulbeck is a writer and interdisciplinary collaborator with an MFA from San Francisco State University. Her current work is a blend of poetry and creative nonfiction centered in 加州 history around the turn of the last century. Jen has taught courses in creative 写作 and developing a creative practice focused on spontaneity and finding inspiration in everyday life.

She serves on the advisory board for Omnidawn Publishing; designs and prints broadsides with Edlebeck Letterpress; and edited Crux, 一个小的新闻选集, 与重型印刷机合作. Her poetry and creative nonfiction have been published in West Marin Review, 风暴地窖, 和匹兹堡诗社, 等, and her most recent work includes poetry and voice-over work for The Farallonites production in collaboration with 达纳·劳顿 Dances, 还有一件在集体展览中展出, 跨学科的声音, at the Saint Mary’s College 艺术博物馆.
