


Aaron D教授. Sachowitz

2024年6月28日- 7月7日


秘鲁是美食圣地, home to some of the best and most innovative fine dining in the world, 包括2023年的世界最佳餐厅, 还有美味的街头和传统食品. 众所周知的食物,比如土豆, 藜麦, 甜土豆, 苋属植物, 和可可都来自秘鲁, 你还会发现其他人, 像lucuma, 玛咖, 还有卡姆卡姆. 在秘鲁食物中, one can taste both the country’s deep indigenous roots and the consequences of Spanish colonization. Since the arrival of the Spaniards also brought deeply engrained middle eastern influences, successive waves of immigration to 秘鲁 has resulted in further culinary influences from Italian, 法国, 中国口味和日本口味, 技术, 和美食. 秘鲁确实是一个烹饪大熔炉, where the traveler’s tastebuds open the door to a rich world of history and culture.

Join us for 10 days as we use 食物 as a lens to explore ancient archeological sites and modern 秘鲁vian culture. 我们从首都开始, 秘鲁首都利马, where we will visit museums and archaeological sites to see the role of 食物 in the many pre-Colombian cultures that called 秘鲁 home, as well as spending an unforgettable evening at “The World’s Best Restaurant” where we will taste our way through top 秘鲁vian chef Virgilio Martinez’ inspired culinary creations. We will then take a short flight to Cusco to explore the ancient capital of the Inca empire. We will visit Machu Picchu and other breathtaking Incan ruins and tour the Sacred Valley, spending a night in a village to sample more traditional rural 食物s as part of a homestay. You will return to 秘鲁首都利马 to fly home nourished both physically and intellectually with the amazing 食物s and cultures of 秘鲁, and having gained a greater understanding of the important role 食物 has played in 秘鲁vian culture historically, 目前还在继续玩.

对于那些想要更上一层楼的吃货来说, 充分利用可选的3天延期. We will stay in Cusco in order to do an immersive day at chef Virgilio Martinez’s experimental 食物 lab, 密尔, outside of Cusco before returning to 秘鲁首都利马 for a deep dive into 秘鲁首都利马’s street 食物 scene.



双人间每人3940美元,单人间每人4240美元. 费用包括每天的早餐和另一餐(有时两者都包括)。, 住宿, 利马和库斯科的往返航班, 秘鲁, 其他国内运输, 一些导游, entry and activity fees (including Machu Picchu and a one night community homestay). Participants are responsible for their own travel accomodations to and from 秘鲁.

可选的3天附加游览(7月7日至9日). 双人间加850美元,单人间加988美元. 


2024年3月4日:所有到期旅行的押金为1,000美元,不可退还. In the event that the trip does not meet its minimum number of travelers, deposits will be refunded.




Learn more about the trip by joining a virtual information sessions. 所有时间PT

  • 12月. 18, 5:30–6:30 PM
  • 1月. 23, 5:00–6:0 PM
  • 2月. 21, 7:00–8:00 PM
  • 3月7日下午5:30-6:30

会议编号:532 728 0417


Friday 6/28/24 Welcome dinner (7pm) for those that arrive in time (otherwise folks should arrive at the 秘鲁首都利马 airport by 8am on 8/3/24)

Saturday 6/29/24 breakfast at hotel, security briefing, tour of 秘鲁首都利马 (visit cathedral, learn about
the colonial history), lunch and visit to La Huaca Pucllana archeological site, shopping and

周日6/30/24酒店早餐, visit Pachacamac historical archeological site and discuss ritual function of 食物 in Pre-Columbian 秘鲁, “帕查曼卡”午餐在附近的生态谷Lurín, 返回酒店, 秘鲁欢乐时光和皮斯科工作坊, 周一7/1/24在酒店附近自己吃晚餐, 参观Casa de la Gastronomia, 参观梅尔卡多中心, lunch in China town and discussion of cultural fusion in 秘鲁vian 食物, 参观考古博物馆或国际马铃薯中心, 晚上飞往库斯科, 在努纳雷米吃晚餐

周二7/2/24酒店早餐, 库斯科中心之旅, 集团的午餐, talk with staff from Centro Bartolomé de las Casas on agro-tourism, 食物, 可持续发展, walk to central plaza for churches and Museum of Precolombian Art (MAP), 独自用餐 (optional 5-course tasting menu dinner at MAP +$70 not including drinks)

7/3-4/24酒店早餐, two day excursion to the sacred valley and Machu Picchu (all meals and 住宿 in Aguas Calientes included), 4号在库斯科吃晚餐

F/Sa 7/5-6/24酒店早餐, homestays in community in Chinchero (all meals and campfire included in community) to learn about traditional agriculture 可持续发展, 6号在库斯科吃晚餐

Sun 7/7/24 breakfast at hotel, 飞往利马的早班航班 for connection to international flights.

(stay in Cusco an extra night before returning to 秘鲁首都利马 for two days)

Sun 7/7/24 all day immersion at 密尔 (Moray and the 密尔 culinary laboratory), sleep in Cusco at hotel

周一7/8/24酒店早餐, 飞往利马的早班航班, 午餐和下午参观拉科博物馆, 独自用餐

7/9/24酒店早餐, 街头美食之旅, 晚上自由, farewell dinner at AmaZ to discuss 食物 from 秘鲁’s Amazonian region. Optional alternative (Nasca Lines) E 7/10/24 breakfast at hotel, transfers to airport



I am Professor of Media Technologies and 文化 in the Communication Department at Saint Mary’s and co-founder of the Master’s program in Intercultural (now just general) Communication. 我担任了四年的一月学期项目主任, 监督旅行课程, 在此之前,我带了五趟尼加拉瓜之旅(多次), 哥斯达黎加, 日本, 和印度.

我去过秘鲁两次, once when I participated in a program for US faculty on 秘鲁vian Gastronomy in 秘鲁首都利马. Then in 2022 I brought 3 Intercultural Communication MA students to Cusco to consult for two weeks with an NGO that works on sustainable economic development. I co-authored research on 藜麦 in 秘鲁 with a member of the NGO staff and maintain a productive relationship with her and the NGO. I’ve further taught courses on 食物 and 食物 justice in 1项 and in the Communication department, 并且有一个正在进行的关于食物故事的研究项目.

I’m an avid cook and “食物ie,” someone who likes to experience good 食物 in addition to studying it. 更重要的是, I know how to balance the connoisseur’s interest good 食物 with the Saint Mary’s Lasallian commitment to keeping cultural context and social justice in mind. 我打算带上我的妻子, 高中西班牙语老师, 和我们5岁的双胞胎(会说西班牙语)一起旅行, 欢迎其他有孩子的家庭.


秘鲁目前对该国大部分地区实行二级预警, 在一些我们不会去的地方有4级. There was some recent civil unrest related to a presidential removal and widespread protests that were violently suppressed, 还有利马和库斯科, 我们要去的两个地方, 对游客来说安全吗, with some added caution warranted (where tourism attracts some level of personal/property crime). 疾病控制中心对秘鲁发布了一级预警. US citizens do not need a visa but citizens of some other countries may.