


For ideas that generate the effort to build a project proposal (stages 1 and 2 of the 项目生命周期), 信息技术服务 works closely with the sponsor of the idea to strengthen the proposal for 入学及管治, 哪个是由 教育科技委员会(CET) 或者是 企业技术委员会 (见下文委员会收费及成员名单). If the proposal is approved to move forward in either of these two committees then it will be presented to the 技术谘询委员会(交谘会) and in some cases move on to the President's Cabinet for review.  在项目提案以IT为重点的情况下, 例如网络核心升级, the 信息技术服务 management team carries out the Intake process.

  • to advise the CTO in making major investment decisions so that adoption and use of technology is accountable to the College’s strategic 计划;
  • to provide input that best informs tactical judgments with respect to balance of resources in support of the academic and operational needs of the College.

A proposal is first presented at either the CET or ETC > if approved it will then be presented to the TAC > if approved it is then scheduled. If further review is needed it will then be presented to the President's Cabinet. 查看进料和治理流程和工作流程. During presentations, the committee will review the project proposal using the 吸收和治理评估标准.

交咨会一年只开两次会. It is important to know when the next TAC meeting is to plan accordingly. The ETC and CET meet at least twice a year and when needed. 看到 Intake Governance Planning and Policy Development Calendar.


The following documents provide details that may be helpful to your understanding of the 入学及管治 process (需要登录):



TPPC由TAC、CET和ETC组成. 了解下面每个委员会的更多信息.

技术规划和政策委员会(TPPC) TAC - CET - ETC



  • Provide input and recommendations f或者是 prioritization of IT project portfolio initiatives consistent with the College mission, and the Strategic Development of IT as dictated by SMC strategic planning;
  • Provide feedback to enhance effectiveness of the 科技规划及政策 structure and process to optimally address the strategic goals of the College;
  • Review and recommend institutional technology policy additions/changes to the Cabinet;
  • Solicit input from the campus community to assessment of the effectiveness of technology operations and planning;
  • 沟通技术问题, 趋势, 计划, and decisions to the campus community Meeting frequency

Minimally two annual meetings for governance of the Strategic Development of the College's IT resources; more to be scheduled as necessary


  • 首席技术主任(主席)
  • 负责招生和交流的副教务长
  • 院长被任命者
  • 学校院长(1)
  • 参议院任命的普通教员(1)
  • 教育技术委员会主席
  • 学生协理预约(1)
  • 人力资源助理副总裁
  • 助理财务副总裁兼财务总监
  • 财务和行政副总裁
  • Vice Provost for Student 十大网赌平台 and Dean of the Core
  • 总法律顾问
  • 学生主任或指定人员  
  • 高级总监,促进服务
  • 体育和娱乐主任或指定人员
  • 企业技术委员会主席
  • 副首席技术官(当然)
  • 主管,企业申请(当然)
  • 教育科技署署长(当然成员)


教育科技委员会 (CET) 

推进技术在教学中的应用, 学习, 通过探索创新教学法来获得奖学金, 新的学习工具, 以及对学术设施的潜在改进(例如.e., classrooms and laboratories); support the use of innovative pedagogy; and advise various parties on campus on matters that impact the effective use of educational technology.


  • Encourage and review faculty grant submissions that will provide for innovation in teaching and 学习 that can be enabled by educational technologies and/or facilities;
  • Identify opportunities for improvement or innovation in teaching and 学习 that can be enabled by educational technologies and/or facilities, and provide ongoing guidance and recommendations to the Chief Technology Officer, 教育科技中心, 及校园设施规划委员会;
  • Stay abreast of best practices and recommend policies to the Senate regarding technology matters on campus, 例如在线/混合计划的政策;
  • 协助课程审查委员会, especially the 本科 Educational Policies Committee and the 研究生 and Professional Educational Policies Committee, in matters regarding the intersection of technology and curriculum, e.g., through consultation regarding standards for evaluating proposals for online/hybrid courses and programs;
  • Generally support initiatives arising from the faculty that advance excellence in the use of technology in teaching, 学习, 和奖学金.


  • 四名终身教职员工, 每个学校选出一名, 两年的条款, 一位被选为主席
  • One full-time faculty member (one-year, renewable term) appointed by the Committee on Committees 
  • 学院发展主任(当然)
  • 总技术主任(当然)
  • 教育科技署署长(当然)
  • Dean of the 图书馆 and 学术资源 (ex officio)
  • 署长,设施及服务(当然)



企业技术委员会 (等) 



  • Identify and discuss the adoption and use of technology to reach optimal efficiency in the College’s enterprise workflow and operations
  • Review proposed technology initiatives and advise 信息技术服务 on the priority of candidates for improvement
  • Provide feedback for 信息技术服务 on project status reports as presented at each meeting
  • Assist in the creation or update of College IT policy to ensure that risk is mitigated effectively

The ETC is comprised of management staff members from the following areas:

  • 招生- UG和GR
  • 进步
  • 体育运动
  • 业务办公室
  • 金融援助
  • 人力资源
  • 制度研究
  • 注册处
  • 学生生活
  • 控制器(椅子)
  • 主管,企业申请(当然) 
  • 总技术主任(当然)